Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Presentation Guidelines

You will present your term paper project to the class on March 13. You must follow these guidelines:
• Be approximately 5 minutes in length
• State the topic of the essay and briefly summarize their paper
• State what they have learned in this class (this could be a grammar point, etc.)
• Students may either use a power point presentation or use a 3X5 card on which they have written key points they wish to discuss. They may NOT use their term paper.

Peer-Review Sheet

Directions: Trade seats with your peer. Read your peer's draft completely one time before answering the questions below. Once you have read the draft. Answer these questions below your peer's draft. Once you have answered all of the questions, go over all of them with your partner.

1. What is the topic of this paper?
2. Is the thesis sentence in the first paragraph? If not, where is it? Write the thesis statement here.
3. Make specific suggestions about how the draft could be more clear. What would you want to know more about?
4. Does the reader need more details to support their statements? Be specific.
5. How does the final paragraph summarize the paper? Be specific.
6. What can readers learn from this paper?