Friday, February 13, 2009

Sample Reverse Outline

I) Intro Paragraph
A) Topic Sentence/Hook: Like other struggling states, Massachusetts is looking anywhere it can for jobs and cash- including the virtual world of video game technology with its mix of fantasy and rabid fans.
1) Subtopic 1: There are many successful video game companies already in Massachusetts that provide many jobs.
2) Subtopic 2: Politicians, such as the Massachusetts governer, want to attract more video game companies to the state to increase jobs for its citizens.
3) Subtopic 3: Schools across the country are offering degree programs in video game design.
II) First Supporting Paragraph
A) Restate Subtopic 1: Many successful video game companies are already located in Massachusetts and provide many jobs.
1) The company, Turbine Inc., has raised $40 million dollars last year with their release of the game “Lord of the Rings Online.” They employ a small army of artists, computer programmers, and support staff for their products.
2) Harmonix Music Systems produced “Guitar Hero” and “Rock Band,” two of the most popular video games of all time.
3) 38 Studios employs 67 people and is building its own online video game franchise.
B) Transition: People want new technologies to be made available to them, such as video games, software, animation, music, etc. Massachusetts politicians want to share in some of the future profits of the development of these technologies.
III) Second Supporting Paragraph
A) Subtopic 2: Politicians, such as the Massachusetts governer, want to attract more video game companies to the state to increase jobs for its citizens.
1) Currently, video game companies employ about 2,000 people in Massachusetts, so it is important to lure more companies to the state.
2) Gov. Patrick travels to video game publishers across the country to encourage them to move to Massachusetts.
B) Transition: Besides talking to publishers, politicians have been looking at local colleges.
IV) Third Supporting Paragraph
A) Subtopic 3: Schools across the country are offering degree programs in video game design.
1) MIT, in conjunction with Singapore and other colleges, has a game lab in which students publish prototypes of video games.
2) Noreastern University is starting video game majors this year.
V) Conclusion
A) Since video games are considered to be recession-proof, it is smart for Massachusetts to work to attract video game publishers to their state to increase jobs for its citizens.
B) Many successful video game publishers already exist in Massachusetts
C) Politicians are working to attract video game publishers.
D) Degree programs in video game design are becoming popular.

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